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Uplift marginalized women and spark a ripple effect in communities—be part of the change!

We pride ourselves onstrong governance and policiesthat protect rights and empower our customers.

Governance & Policies


Pollinate Group is a global organization working with our implementing partner in Nepal, Kalpavriksha. We supply our partners with products to sell, technology for order processing and tracking, and credit options for customer payment plans

Pollinate Group also runs Fellowship Programs and raises philanthropic funds. Our implementing partners suggest products based on the needs of their communities, focusing on energy, health, safe water, and sanitation. These partners act as the customer-facing brands to ensure local sales and marketing are relevant and accurate. Knowledge, financial management, processes, and systems are shared across the group to boost efficiency and growth opportunities.

Official presence of Pollinate Group

Pollinate Group is a registered charity in both Australia and the United States. Our ABN in Australia is 96 161 067 492.

In Australia, donations over A$2.00 are tax-deductible. The Pollinate Energy Australia Relief Fund is endorsed as DGR Item 1 with the OAGDS.
In the United States, we are registered as Pollinate Group under Section 501(c)(3). Donations may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.

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