The Power of a Quality Education – Amreen and Mohammad’s story

Four years ago, Amreen joined Pollinate Energy with the goal of achieving financial security. She was driven to provide a better future for her children – including a quality education. Find out how the new $20,000 Pollinate Energy Education Fund will guarantee that a good education will no longer be out of reach for our Pollinators’ children and support us now.

Scarcity at all ends

As a child, Amreen’s parents struggled to make ends meet and she was forced to marry at 14. She became a mother to two children soon after, and like many women, scrambled to find secure work opportunities that paid enough, whilst also allowing her the time to take care of her young family.

Today, due to the regular sales she makes with Pollinate Energy, Amreen is better positioned to invest in her sons’ education.

But obstacles prevail. Non-Government schools with the resources to provide a good education require a high tuition fee and many parents opt to send their children to free Government schools instead. Teachers at these schools often receive limited training and are insufficiently equipped or motivated to engage students.

Sometimes, the teachers don’t turn up at all.

If they do, they enter a classroom filled with children of different ages and varying abilities. The standardised curriculum does not cater to these children’s individual needs, which in turn lowers their interest in learning. It’s easy to see why parents take their children out of class to work odd jobs to support the family income instead.

Let’s break the cycle

Tuition fees for higher quality Non-Government schools must be paid in full at the beginning of each year. However, most Pollinators can’t afford to pay this hefty sum upfront, and are forced to borrow money from ‘loan sharks’ instead. Faced with high interest rates, and an inability to pay, they often succumb to the debt and remove their children from school – and so the cycle of poverty continues.

That’s where Pollinate Energy and supporters like yourself come in.

Pollinate Energy is establishing an Education Fund so our Pollinators can send their children to the best school possible. 

How does it work?

Amreen will apply for a Pollinate Energy interest free Education Loan for $200 to send her son Mohammad Ali to school for 2018.

Over the course of the year, she will pay 75% of the loan back into the Fund in monthly installments – she can spend the remaining 25% on school books, uniforms, transport, and other essentials to help Mohammad Ali reach success at school.

The 75% repayment will return to the fund to help another child in 2019 – or if Amreen still needs the support, she can apply for a second loan to ensure she keeps her son in school for another year!


To kickstart this fund, our goal is to provide an Education Loan for 100 children.

For 100 x $200 loans, we need $20,000. Support us now!

Why now?

Parents must confirm their child’s enrolment and pay their $200 in school fees by  March 2018 to make sure their child has a place in the classroom.

Your donation this Christmas means a child can go to school in March – Are you ready to fund this critical initiative now with $200, or an amount of your choice?


UPDATE December 20, 2017 – Thanks to our incredible supporters, we have met our $20,000 target and are ready to kick off this program in 2018! THANK YOU for your generosity.

Please consider giving to help us grow our team of Pollinators and reach more families living in India’s slum communities!

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All Australian donations are fully tax deductible.

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