An Incredible Journey

Raghavendra Bugade, Pollinate Energy’s first Sales Manager recently completed two years at the organisation. This is an excerpt of his experiences as much as it is an account of his perspective of the level of success he has achieved at Pollinate.

An Incredible Journey

If I had to summarise my job it would be: I love to change lives.

I love working for people in my own country. I have electricity, food, water and all my basic needs met – but some of my people are struggling to get these things. Life for them is difficult so we are there to support them.. We’re helping these people and that makes me happy.

When I go to the community, it makes me proud – the families trust us. I tell them I’m from Pollinate Energy and they tell me I am a brother. I love to celebrate our achievements and create milestones. I can’t think of one particular favourite celebration because there have been so many! I am running out of room on the walls of the office for all the celebration photos!.

Although working with multiple cultures was new for me when I joined Pollinate Energy, the company has shown me a new direction to share my skills and services to the unserved people of Bengaluru. My family is very proud about my work because I am changing many lives.

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