International Development India

How joining a Pollinate Group program started a journey to work for the United Nations

When David Thomas joined Pollinate Group on a ten day program in Bangalore, India, no one could imagine how powerful it would be in influencing his career.

“I loved my program and it became a formative experience for my career. In 2013 I worked with a group of highly talented and passionate individuals from India and Australia. We worked closely on operations in informal settlements and strategic business planning, which taught me valuable lessons about both working on the ground and in the office.”

David Thomas Pollinate Group United Nations
David at work today, and pictured above (on right) in 2013.

At the time he joined us, David was working with the Victorian Department of Human Services, after completing a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne. He then went on to complete a Master of International Relations with Distinction, focusing on Human Rights.

“Having seen how an organization like Pollinate Group tackles poverty, energy access and gender inequality allowed me to link the on-the-ground reality with the big-picture and the various international frameworks. It strengthened my resolve to work in international development for those most vulnerable.” 

Since then David has worked in a variety of roles, including with UN-Habitat in Kenya, where he worked on the empowerment of women and youth through global programmes in cities. In this role David was also able to develop the work of the organisation with people with disabilities.

Today David works in Beirut, Lebanon, as a Programme Management Officer with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA). He uses his Pollinate Group experience daily, as he undertakes strategic planning for the office, working directly with the Deputy Executive Secretary.

Reflecting on the experience in India seven years ago, David shares, “I would thoroughly recommend the Pollinate Fellowship, as it gave me the skills and experience to pursue a career in international development, and most importantly, I made life-long friends and happy memories.”

If you’re interested in joining one of our programs in 2020, and joining 600+ alumni around the world, click here.

Programs are available for locals to India and Nepal, and studentsprofessionals and leaders.

Big thanks to David for sharing how his experience with Pollinate Group shaped his career, we couldn’t be prouder to hear from him.

Are you a Pollinate Group alumni who wants to share your story? Drop us an email today.

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